For this mission field, we must also deal with one of the biggest challenges to the church: overcoming the culture of "let the church do it for me." Face it, we humans can be very lazy, especially where walking the Jesus' narrow path is involved. What has evolved with many believers is the idea that the church to which we belong will take us by the hand and lead us through life, and also basically raise our children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" for us. That is why so few who call themselves Christians have a solid grasp of the scriptures. Instead of working out our salvation, as Paul encourages us, too many of us want to let other do the work for us. Then, when we face the challenge of raising our children in Jesus teachings, we're just not ready, and too many avoid the effort. This allows Satan's deceptions, such as LGBTQ philosophy, to take root, and then the parents are unprepared to counter it. The Lord's Church must re-emphasize knowing God's Word ourselves, and striving to teach our children hand-in hand with with our fellow Christians, but each parent must take the lead.

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My husband and I are seeking help in equipping ourselves and our church to minister to those individuals leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle behind. Also, we want to support families of those who have loved ones in the LGBTQ lifestyle. We have a daughter who is enmeshed in this lifestyle and whose partner has undergone transgender operations and testosterone medication. We know firsthand the complicated, painful scenarios this presents in a family. We are so grateful for the Changed Movement and the support it has to offer. We need your help and guidance as we endeavor to be all our Lord has called us to be.

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Marcia, it is so great hearing from you! Thank you for your encouragement. It sounds like you do indeed understand too well the pain and challenge involved with LGBTQ. I pray God releases more grace to you and your family.

We are currently finalizing edits on a new video series/curriculum for churches (with special videos for parents and pastors) called "Navigating LGBTQ". I hope you'll check that out. You can preorder Navigating LGBTQ at this link: https://changedmovement.com/navigating-lgbtq

Until it is released (we are hoping for mid March), we have a free video series you might watch called THRIVE. Find it here: https://changedmovement.com/thrive.

Blessings! - Elizabeth Woning, co-founder

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