“Everyone wants to have the experience of being completely seen, cherished, sought, and pursued. This can only be found in Jesus, and established through our identity as sons and daughters of God. Michael Brodeur and Elizabeth Woning join Pastors Banning Liebscher, Doug Lasit, and Lyle Phillips to address how to disciple, discuss, and pastor people as they navigate the topic of their sexuality. Elizabeth Woning is the co-founder of Equipped to Love, a ministry seeking to serve and equip those impacted by homosexuality, and CHANGED, a network of men and women who have walked away from LGBTQ identity. Michael Brodeur is the co-founder of and CEO of Pastor’s Coach and Destiny Finder.”
“Once I had let go of lesbianism, under that lid was a whole lot of other stuff, and I could say that I may never be done exploring what exactly all of that was, but the process the Lord took me through was one of questioning. One of, Why do I have these feelings? What are at the root of these feelings? Why did I develop this sense of identity? And those answers came to me through the Lord, through encounter.” -Elizabeth Woning
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