Where do I stand on arguments that suggest that references to “homosexual” practice in the Bible are either translation errors; references to practices that are irrelevant today (misperceived references to say, idolatry or pederasty); or that today’s culture of loving LGBT relationships cannot be linked to the same behaviors that are referenced in the Bible?
These, in my opinion, are the most common arguments proposing that same-sex sexuality is a natural biological reality (a simple state of being) and therefore not “sin,” and that any effort to diminish LGBT feelings is misguided or even overtly harmful. It is an approach I once took as an LGBT pastor.
But, this approach fails to appreciate overarching themes in scripture and radically diminishes the authority of Jesus’ own teaching on sexuality. Secondarily, it reflects the impact of a strong cultural trend that favors a virtualized sense of self, which is evidence of our technological era.
LGBT-identifying people today are caught in a perfect storm . Though homosexual behavior is ancient, it has never before been normalized. Why now? I wish to propose that it has everything to do with the tech revolution.